The surroundings

The village is surrounded by two ravines through which water flows most of the year, feeding the lively valley. It is home to oaks, holm oaks, elms and red pines, medicinal and native plants, roe deer, wild boar, foxes… an endless number of small animals and many species of birds whose songs brighten our days and nights.

The area around Iscles is formed by particular rocks sculpted by the formation process of the Pyrenees and forms part of an important geological area rich in minerals, clays and fossils. They represent 35 million years of Earth’s history and range from limestone with tropical fossils to sandstone with the remains of Europe’s last dinosaurs. The characteristics of these rocks have been skilfully employed in various ways in the construction of the locality.

We are planting gardens and cultivating several organic vegetable gardens from which we feed most of our daily needs. This winter we hope to start the construction of a large greenhouse that will allow us to extend the seasons and enjoy fresh vegetables all year round.