Iscles is a small village in the Ribagorza region in the province of Huesca.
It is located between the Berganuy mountain range and the Sis mountain range, on a hill at 1107 m above sea level, a few kilometres northwest of Cajigar.
Its history dates back to the dawn of our era, it was also involved in the struggles between the Arab and Catholic worlds and still preserves some medieval remains. Its imposing church was built in the 17th century.
In its last days it consisted of 6 or 7 houses with several buildings, among which the old church with its bell tower stood out.
In the 1960s its inhabitants gradually left, until the last inhabitant left, much to his regret, in 1971. Time and neglect did their work and when we found it, it was overgrown with weeds and in such a dilapidated state that it looked practically demolished. The fountains had dried up, the cisterns were broken and there were no roofs left to collect rainwater.
We have spent the last 8 years engaged in rehabilitation, reconstruction and creation of basic living spaces; finding and managing the water that is so essential for life, accommodating domestic animals, digging gardens, living together, celebrating and planning how to make the best use of our energy and resources.
In this time we have managed to have roofs that shelter us, some common and some of our own, we have left behind the tents, the open-air kitchen and the hedge cutter as the star tool of the day. Now it’s not all ruins anymore, the village is full of flowers, we can enjoy our orchards and take a hot shower at the end of the day…